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For Bankers

Empowering Owners to Transition Outstanding Businesses with Precision and Integrity, Supported by Experienced, Committed Capital Investors

We are a veteran-led investment vehicle dedicated to enhancing vital energy services and software solutions, focusing on underserved markets. Prior to the founding of Brydon Energy, the Brydon Group successfully acquired Focus Learning, a leading provider of training and compliance software tailored for both commercial and government clients in the nuclear sector.

With our partner, the Brydon Group, we have a proven track record of over 70 successful small business acquisitions. We bring expertise in closing transactions and managing business transitions. The Brydon Group has now closed eight deals in the last twelve months with an additional eight deals in exclusivity all on the terms we agreed to in the LOI, consistent with our values and approach to not re-trade. We approach every transaction with the utmost integrity.

Brydon Energy’s Commitment




Leadership & Integrity

Post-Acquisition Support


Contact us today if you are interested in learning more about working with Brydon Energy.

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